Bankruptcy Services

Giving you and your family a financial fresh start
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Bankruptcy Attorney In Lansdale & Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Protecting You from Creditors Through Bankruptcy

Tadross Law offers a variety of bankruptcy services designed to help you take control of your outstanding debts, including Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. The method that will work best for you will of course depend on your own individual circumstances. 

Like all forms of bankruptcy, an automatic stay begins as soon as you file petition for bankruptcy. This blocks foreclosure of your home and repossession of your vehicle, and it stops the IRS from wage levies, while stopping all threatening calls.

At Tadross Law, we will work closely with you to determine which approach is in your best interests. 

Contact Tadross Law to by calling 215-774-6158  and schedule a consultation with a lawyer today.

What Happens During the Bankruptcy Process?

After your initial consultation, our bankruptcy lawyer will explain every step of the process before you decide on an option. We’ll determine whether you meet the requirements for Chapter 7 bankruptcy or if you need to go the Chapter 13 route. Tadross Law will register your case with the bankruptcy court, gather all the documents you need, and provide the assigned bankruptcy trustee with all the paperwork needed to move your case forward.

What Are The Differences Between Chapter 7 And Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you’ll be able to eliminate most of your debt, such as medical bills, credit cards, past due tax bills, vehicle repossessions, and other types of debt. Chapter 7 will put an end to frozen bank accounts, garnishments, and threatened lawsuits as soon as you file. You can usually keep some of your possessions, including your car and house, if you make on-time payments.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy, on the other hand, consolidates all your debt into a single, affordable monthly payment until you pay your debt in full. It, too, stops the hassle and stress of lawsuits, frozen bank accounts, and garnishments immediately after you file. It can also put an end to car repossessions and foreclosures, allowing you to catch up on your back payments if your budget can accommodate them. Don’t put up with debt collectors’ harassment a moment longer.

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Disclaimer: We are a debt relief agency. We are attorneys who help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code.

Our Bankruptcy Case Types

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